27 Mar2019March 27, 2019

World Water Day 2019

26 March 2019 The school had an assembly on World Water Day; creating awareness to the children about the importance of water conservation and the tips they can use to save water. It was also a day for the Kinder 2 children to continue the project on ‘Make Every Drop Count’ which was started last...

26 Mar2019March 26, 2019

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday was on the 6th March 2019.  Our school had an assembly for the children on that day. The children were explained during the assembly on the importance of Ash Wednesday. It was the beginning of the forty days Lent for the Catholics to repent. The three things that Catholics can do for this...

17 Mar2019March 17, 2019

K1 Field Trip: Esplanade

滨海艺术中心:PLAYtime!观赏舞台剧《The Dragon’s Dentist》and《PIP’s Club》13&14 Mar 2019 今天有幸带领小朋友一起欣赏了一出趣味无穷、神秘神奇,同时也充满了欢乐笑声,并具有健康教育性的舞台剧《The Dragon’s Dentist》。 整场表演除了美妙音乐之外,再加上梦幻的灯光,以及演员们生动活泼、逗趣十足的表演,让小朋友们看得目不暇接。特别是模拟场景进入龙的嘴、、、、、、,进入一个巨大的牙齿冒险,让幼儿如身临其境,在贴近观众表演场地的近距离观赏中,还有问答及互动游戏,更是让小朋友兴奋不已!直到节目表演的尾声还是意犹未尽!通过龙牙医和他的学徒引人入胜,逗趣十足的冒险过程中,让现场小朋友领悟到牙医是在克服我们的恐惧,同时拥抱新的体验! 除了看舞台剧,还有非常有趣的《PIP’sClub》俱乐部,在这里有美工区、磁铁积木区、故事区以及图画鲜艳的神秘探索柜子。小朋友在不同的区角里做手工、玩积木、看故事书等,之后还有集体游戏:丢手绢!幼儿们玩得不亦乐乎!看他们轻松自在、乐在其中的样子,开心极了!这样丰富多彩的活动,给小朋友带来更多的学习乐趣!真是乐中学!学中乐啊! 连老师 17/03/2019

16 Mar2019March 16, 2019

K2 Field Trip to the Esplanade

The K2 children had their first outing of the year in Term 1 to the Esplanade for a play – PLAYtime! The Dragon’s Dentist.  Through the play, children get to understand the importance of keeping their teeth clean and how can they keep it clean. Adding on, this play had integrated social and emotional aspect...