Ramandan is a month of fasting for the Muslim community which falls on the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. To understand more about the meaning of Ramandan, we cordially invited two families, Mr & Mrs Bhavnagarwala and Mr and Mrs Zargar to share with us their Ramandan Journal on 7 May. Mr & Mrs...
K2 Camp 2019
It was the annual K2 Camp again on the last day of the school, 31st May 2019. The children arrived in school with their ‘Amazing Race’ bag pack and their sleep over bag. Both sessions were divided into 4 coloured groups: Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. This year, the first day part of the camp...
CIP by St Anthony Cannosian Primary School
28 May 2019 The primary 5 students from St Anthony’s Canossian Primary School (SACPS) came to our school on Monday to give a presentation on healthy lifestyle for the Kinder 1 and Kinder 2 children in our school. They explained to the children on the importance of keeping healthy and the ways to keep themselves...
K1 – NKF 活动总结
为了配合新加坡ECDA提倡的Star Small DreamBig 2019的活动,今年,我们善牧幼稚园继续与NKF合作。让幼一班的小朋友们,在开展的活动中了解如何保护肾脏,以及食物对肾脏的重要性,并以实际行动关爱肾脏病人,以及表达对医生、护士等工作人员的敬爱与谢意。 为了把爱心和欢乐带给肾脏病人,在第二学期的每个星期二,老师们和家长义工们一起带着一组小朋友们来到洗肾中心,进行各种不同的活动,为他们表演歌舞、与他们互动,制作手工花儿、装饰小蛋糕、献上家长捐赠的点心、饮料、水果等等,让病人们感受到满满地关怀,看着他们脸上露出的笑容,大家都非常的开心! 特别是来到最后一次的活动上,当所有的小朋友都知道要为病人们和医生、护士们准备礼物时,都显得非常积极兴奋!在分装礼物时,小朋友们都兴奋地把自己亲手制作的相框画作和其他礼物,一起放进礼物袋子里,在活动中,小朋友们都非常合作,充满着团队精神! 在老师们和家长义工们带领下,当小朋友们积极与病人们互动,用心地呈现歌舞后,并亲手把爱心礼物送到了病人手中时,看到病人们脸上露出笑容,对小朋友们伸手竖起大拇指,说出赞扬和感谢的话语,并且也回赠给小朋友们全体肾脏病人共同制作的大画作,小朋友们看了都开心的手舞足蹈! 这是一项非常有意义的关怀活动,虽然准备工作与开展活动都非常忙碌与辛苦,但是因为家长们的爱心、肾脏病人们的笑容,以及小朋友们积极参与,努力的付出,让一切都变得意义重大!让我们的生活充满着爱!让我们的世界变得更加美好!也让我们把这份爱与关怀继续发扬与延伸出去、、、、、、。 连老师 2019 年 5月27日
K1 – Sixth Visit to NKF Bedok Dialysis Centre
We went to NKF Bedok Dialysis Centre on the 14 May 2019. The children came to share about their favourite fruit and they were educated on the types of fruit that the patients could eat. After which, they sang and danced for the patients at the Centre. They also gave apples to the aunties and...
K1 NKF 5th visit
We went to NKF Bedok Dialysis Centre on the 7 May 2019. The children were excited as it was their fifth visit to Bedok Dialysis Centre and it also coincided with Mother’s Day. Our children made flowers for the patients by tracing the patients’ fingers and decorating them. After which the children went in to...