23 Feb2020February 23, 2020

Was it just another day in the Nursery Class?

The Nursery Class was more than an ordinary Class. Every day, it was packed with interesting hands-on fun learning experiences for the children and the teachers. We believe that learning through play has to be fun and meaningful. Let me share a typical day with you. Today, 19 Feb 2020. The day started with storytelling...

01 Feb2020February 1, 2020

Chinese New Year 2020

大地回春,万象更新,在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我们善牧幼稚园举办了庆祝新年的活动。 小朋友们穿着盛装,兴高采烈的来参加庆祝新年的活动。我们相聚在音乐室,由老师分享新年的由来及习俗。一曲敬拜歌曲《赐福与你》触动孩子对上帝的感恩和敬畏之心。紧接着,大家都来到了操场,幼二班的小朋友将新年的活动推向高潮,鼓声响起,舞龙舞狮、秧歌舞闪亮登场,更是让孩子们兴奋不已,其它班的小朋友们在老师的带领下,也扬声高歌,快乐的跳着、唱着,浓厚的节日气氛感染每一位孩子。 教室里已经摆放好了美味的新年美食,边吃边聊,有说有笑。 餐后,大家向Mrs Teo拜年,“新年快乐!”“恭喜发财!”“大吉大利!”孩子们你一句我一句,说得特别动听。Mrs Teo也发给大家一个“大红包”。本活动在新年的祝福和歌声中结束了。在新的一年里祝福老师们新年快乐!好事连连!身体健康!祝愿我们手中的工尽都顺利亨通! 曹老师 24/01/2020