05 Jun2018June 5, 2018

K2 Camp

25 May 2018 It was another exciting Friday for our Kinder 2 children and their parents as it was the last day of term two which means…… They are having their K2 Day Camp! This year, our school had a full day camp at the Singapore Zoo. We had planned a Zoo-A-Maze for the children...

27 May2018May 27, 2018


The primary 5 students from St Anthony’s Canossian Primary School (SACPS) came to our school on Monday to give a presentation on healthy lifestyle for the Kinder 1 and Kinder 2 children in our school. They explained to the children on the importance of keeping healthy and the ways to keep themselves healthy, through pictures,...

18 May2018May 18, 2018


5月8日,全体幼儿和老师们在晨会上一起庆祝母亲节。晨会所展示的图片和老师的介绍,让幼儿认识到母爱是世间最伟大的爱,激发他们爱妈妈的情感。幼儿还兴致勃勃地分别欢唱中英文歌曲《妈妈宝贝》和《Ilove my mummy》,他们完全融入节日的气氛,感受母亲节的意义。 为了庆祝这次的母亲节,各班幼儿都制作了不同的手工送给心爱的妈妈,表达他们对妈妈的感激之情。以下是他们的手工作品展示: 再次借助这些作品,祝全天下的妈妈母亲节快乐! 豆豆班 –徐老师

08 May2018May 8, 2018

Malaysia Trip

It was an exciting Friday for our nine children and parents who had sign up for the Malaysia day trip, together with the Marymount Kindergarten! Everyone gathered at the hall of Marymount Kindergarten as early as 6.15am to be ready. They were given a goodie bag with a bottle of drink and muffins to bring...

26 Apr2018April 26, 2018


As the Kinder 2 children are embarking on a new project, ‘Make Every Drop Count’ this year, the school had decided to plan this learning journey at the NEWater Visitor Centre for both the children and their parents to have a better understanding of the project. The first session children went on the 19 April...

26 Apr2018April 26, 2018


今天,善牧幼稚园荣幸邀请Sr Lucy和Aunty Melina在集 会上给幼儿分享爱、关怀和体贴,庆祝每年4月24日的本 园的创办日,以纪念这位伟大的创办者——圣于法西亚, 并向幼儿传达今年的主题——节约用水,爱护环境。 首先,Sr Lucy向幼儿提问:“小朋友,今天是庆祝什么 的日子呢?”有个别幼儿竟然说是圣诞节、复活节,引起 他人哄堂大笑。接着她通过用视频介绍天父用七天创造天 地万物,让幼儿认识天父爱我们,一切都变得如此美好。 然后她和颜悦色地向幼儿介绍着:200年前出现了一位以 天父的样式爱我们的圣人(圣于法西亚),创办了善牧修 女会和善牧幼稚园,旨在为妇女和儿童提供庇护,同时希 望所有的孩子有一个安全的地方成长、来学习关于我们慈 爱的造物者。 幼儿认真地听着Sr Lucy缓缓的介绍,从中了解到这 位伟大的创办者,知道自己在善牧幼稚园里学习是多么自 豪的事情,可以学习知识、认识朋友、唱诗歌和祷告等等 。当Sr Lucy提问时,幼儿们纷纷踊跃回答,能清楚地回 答每个问题,特别是今天要庆祝的日子——创办日,都说 得正确。她给予幼儿赞赏和表扬,他们显得十分开心。接 着她反问幼儿:“既然我们是在爱的环境中成长,那我们 如何像天父一样把爱传递出去呢?应该爱周围的什么呢 ?”幼儿正在思考着,Sr Lucy用亲切的话语引导他们要爱护环境,爱护动物,最重要的是爱护我们赖于生存的水资源,请幼儿节约用水。 接着,Aunty Melina一边利用视频播放,一边描述影 片中的小女孩如何每天辛苦地去几公里地的泥塘里取水和 用头顶着水回家的情形。此刻,幼儿都非常安静地聆听和 观赏影片,似乎受到了很大的震撼,对小女孩投以怜悯的 目光。Aunty Melina再循循善诱地启发幼儿:生活在幸福 的新加坡,我们不仅要把爱、关怀和体贴带给那些困苦贫 穷中需要帮助的人,我们还要从日常的小事做起,珍惜水 资源,节约每一滴水。她鼓励幼儿无论是在家里或在学校 ,都要节约用水。他们似懂非懂地晃着脑袋。 然后,播放诙谐幽默的动画影片,让幼儿在笑声中明白水对一切生物的重要性。也再次倡导幼儿在日常生活中不要浪费水,记住随手关掉水龙头,从身边的一点一滴做起,爱护我们的环境。 最后,幼儿欢唱善牧幼稚园的创办日歌曲,接过Sr Lucy和Aunty Melina送的“动物”铅笔礼物,愉快地走回课 室,或许他们当中已经把今天传达的主题牢记在心吧。 许老师 17/4/2018  

26 Apr2018April 26, 2018

Climate Action SG 2018

This year is the year of climate action. Climate Action Year aims to focus attention on climate change, to raise the level of national consciousness around the need to take individual and collective action to fight climate change for a sustainable Singapore. Singapore is vulnerable to climate change and Singapore is committed to reducing carbon...

05 Apr2018April 26, 2018

Easter Celebrations

Easter 2018 Easter has arrived and it is associated with spring and nature. It is more than just Easter eggs and bunnies. Easter Sunday falls on 1 April 2018 and is the culmination of the Holy Week. Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most important Christian festival, and the one celebrated...